It takes retailers 8 to 12 months to Market research, design a product, manufacture a small batch, ship to brick and mortar stores to test the market and if successful, manufacture in bulk. This process takes a lot of money, resources, and energy.
Neural Trend was developed to help retailers go from design to validating product success with much higher confidence, saving them thousands of dollars in operating cost. Our tool also helps find highly targeted consumer who are more likely to buy and less likely to return resulting in higher revenue.
This sales opportunity offers fantastic commissions: both to agents who can close deals themselves; and to agents who do have, or are willing to generate the relevant industry contacts. This really is a tremendous opportunity to earn on typically high deal values!
What kind of agent is suited to this opportunity?
The ideal candidate will have connections and contacts within the relevant industry, or know how to obtain the connections.
He or she will be expected to close deals quickly, communicate clearly, and be proactive about asking for help when needed.