Exclusive, cutting-edge tax software—available only through us!


No one has ever seen anything quite like this! Our newest software tool is just hitting the market. Designed for anyone who ships by rail, this tool provides all the resources to manage, analyze, and make decisions on shipping freight by rail. 

Every private owner of  railcars (i.e., not a rail carrier/railroad) must file with up to close to 30 states annually for ad Valorem tax. We have identified those owners and will have that populated in our CRM and tagged for quick reference to allow our marketing team to conduct targeted campaigns and our sales team to target specific leads. 

What kind of agent is suited to this opportunity?

We are looking for the best, agents that have high integrity but know how to find and close deals, how to get past gate-keepers, how to search and find leads, and know how to build the right relationships.  Specifically for this opportunity we need aggressive agents who know how to find what we need and not let it go until we get it. 

We will provide lists of targets to contact but the right agents will know how to go beyond that.


  • Territory: North America Canada Mexico United States
  • Agent type: Independent sales agent
  • Leads provided: Mixed leads provided
  • Commission: 25.00%
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