The Business Automation Academy is a group coaching programme for small business owners, helping them to spend more time doing what they love and less time doing their admin.
Our mantra is "Automate What You Hate" and through videos, group coaching and individual support sessions, students will learn how to streamline their processes, how to select the best software and how to implement automation and integrations into their own business in order to free up to 30% of their working week
You will sell lifetime membership of the academy for only £2700 (or 12 monthly payments of £240) to small business owners. Through CommissionCrowd you have an opportunity to earn and enhanced rate of 25% commission (our normal affiliate rate is 20%)
Ideal prospects are therapists, coaches, tutors, real estate agents, accountants and consultants (or others who sell professional "time for money" services) although we have also seen success from members in construction and manufacturing
What kind of agent is suited to this opportunity?
It is important that sales agents understand some of the frustrations in running a small business and are able to identify prospects who are interested in learning how to resolve the issues, rather than just paying someone to do it for them.
This is a coaching programme which students enroll for lifetime access and may be working closely with us for a year or more so it is essential that they are fully committed to the transformations they need to make in their business (not least to avoid issues with refunds etc) so the approach should support them understanding the issues they have and that we can help, not hard selling