We've found 3 opportunities in the Libraries Industry

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3 opportunities in the Libraries Industry

CountryWatch Opportunity.  An information provider for corporations, government agencies, universities, schools, libraries, and individuals.


Sales of unique country information updated each year for each of the 197 countries in the world including political and economic history as well as current ...

  • Territory: Global
  • Agent type: Independent sales agent
  • Commission: 40.00%

CommissionCrowd Francophone


Connaissez-vous des entreprises francophones qui recherchent des partenaires commerciaux indépendants (vendeurs à la commission)? Ou des entreprises francophones ...

  • Territory: Global
  • Agent type: Independent sales agent
  • Commission: 25.00%

Gilder Group International: Help Companies in your Network Achieve their Strategic Business Goals with our Organizational Development Consultants Group!!


Gilder Group International is a highly regarded group of 6 independent, international Organizational Development Systems Consultants, Learning Facilitators/Trainers & ...

  • Territory: European Union North America Oceania Australia Canada New Zealand Puerto Rico United Kingdom
  • Agent type: Independent sales agent
  • Commission: 20.00%