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We'll take a quick benchmark test to see how good you are at selling your customers what they really want to buy so you don't make the mistake of selling people something they don't want to buy! It will also reveal why it is so important to understand exactly what YOUR customer is buying before you ever start to pitch themanything.
The Science behind why people REALLY buy YOUR product from YOU (I'm getting extra nerdy on this one) - The one thing the best salespeople know that you can steal to make more sales instantly. We'll combine physics, sales psychology and emotional intelligence to uncover the REAL reason people buy. Learning this ONE thing brought me from $0 to over $100 M in sales.
The Step-by-Step implementation so you can apply this concept to your business to start closing more sales right now. I'll show you exactly how to apply this concept to your product or service so you walk away with an actual plan to implement this concept into your marketing and sales messaging.
Your instructor is Jessica Magoch, CEO of JPM Sales Partners. Sales Strategist, Closing Coach, 9 Figure Business Builder & Creator of The Sales Launch Code: Six Week Accelerator from Startup to Conversion Machine.